All Flung Out

Well, the 2017 Garden Bloggers Fling is done, and I don’t mind telling you I’m exhausted. A good kind of exhausted, though.


This year the flingers visited public and private gardens from the National Mall in DC to the Maryland suburbs and the hills of Northern Virginia.

DSC_0379Judy took about 1,500 photographs. Many hours of photo sorting lie in my future.

DSC_0280I’m going to wait until late in the year before I start writing about the gardens we saw.

DSC_0125But for now I just wanted to give you a little taste.

DSC_0965Children’s Garden at Brookside Gardens in Maryland.

DSC_0069Judy took about 20 pictures of this giant metal rooster. She was very excited.

DSC_1114Mary Ripley Garden near the Smithsonian administrative center.



DSC_0299Grapes at the Stone Tower Winery in Virginia.

DSC_0432A Tiger Swallowtail at Meadowlark Gardens in Northern Virginia.

DSC_0823One thing that must be said is that the organizers of this year’s Fling did a brilliant job. Particular mention must be made of Tammy Schmitt, who devoted countless unpaid hours with bulldog determination and a creative flair. Her whole team deserves tremendous credit as well.

That’s all for now.

33 Comments on “All Flung Out”

  1. Am looking forward to your and other Flingers’ posts. I live vicariously! I enjoy these posts. There’s always something good to be seen and different Flingers take different photos so no two posts of the same venue are the same. I think Judy deserves a big metal rooster for all of the photos she took.

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